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Lyrata Ficus also known as the fiddle leaf. The Lyrata ficus from the Ficus genus of trees is an exciting species to grow with larger leaves and is one of the best houseplants for purifying indoor air. Lyrata ficus consists usually a single trunk and a canopy of spherical or hemispherical shape, which is symmetrical with an irregular outline. Its foliage, of coarse texture, is dense and has an upright or spreading appearance. As an indoor plant, it gets significantly smaller dimensions and has a rather upright appearance. When these plants mature in age and size they make a great focal point within living rooms, hallways, offices or hotels.


Special Features


NASA recommends that you keep an air purifying plants in your home when it comes to that can help with allergens, mold and mildew which often gets trapped in air conditioning units. What's great about this particular plant besides the fact that is does such a good job of cleaning the air around you is that it just doesn't require a lot of maintenance and thrives indoors all year long.


Plant Specification


Plant Height:                 12 inch (30 cm)

Plant Spread:                7 inch (18 cm)

Common Name:          Laurel fig, laurel rubber, Indian laurel, curtain fig, Malayan banyan

Maximum Height:       3 to 5 feet

Difficulty Level:            Very Easy


Essential Requirements to Keep Plant Healthy



At least 3-6 hours of preferably morning sunlight a day is ideal for plant to grow well and natural direct bright light for the rest of the day.



Water it when the dirt in the topsoil (1-2 inches) feels dry to the touch. Do not overwater or let the plant sit in water. Water it thoroughly during the summer months and reduce watering during winter and rainy season.



The soil should be well drained and fertile, rich in organic content for growing plant.



Fertilize your Lyrata Ficus with a standard houseplant fertilizer during the early monsoon and spring seasons.

Lyrata ficus

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