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One way to enhance your garden and patio space is by introducing the Araucaria tree. It's popularly called the "Christmas Tree" in India since it looks exactly like one. You can choose the size of your tree depending on where you want to place it, either indoors or out. This evergreen coniferous plant is short and slender, with nearly horizontal branches that are arranged in whorls around the upright trunk. The trunks are covered in thin gray bark, which peels off in strands, giving the trees a rough appearance. The 100-foot-tall pyramid-like trees have a nice, symmetrical crown similar to a Christmas tree when fully grown – so all of your friends will go "wow!" upon seeing this beauty!


Special Features


Air purifying plants are best recommendation by NASA. It is the most popular air purifier, low maintenance and easy to care plant for homes, offices, etc. It grows well both indoors as well as outdoors. These air cleaning plants also work very well whether grown in soil or in a hanging plant basket.



Plant Specification



Plant Height:                33 inch (84 cm)

Plant Spread:                6 inch (15 cm)

Common Name:          Christmas Tree, Cook-pine, New Caledonia-pine



Essential Requirements to Keep Plant Healthy



-At least 3-6 hours of preferably morning sunlight a day is ideal for plant to grow well and natural direct bright light for the rest of the day.



-Water it when the dirt in the topsoil (1-2 inches) feels dry to the touch. Do not overwater or let the plant sit in water. Water it thoroughly during the summer months and reduce watering during winter and rainy season.



-The soil should be well drained and fertile, rich in organic content for growing plant.



-Fertilize your Araucaria Plant with a standard houseplant fertilizer during the summer and at the beginning of spring. Fronds of the palm benefit from a good micronutrient rich fertilizer

Araucaria Plant

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